BLOOMSBURG – The Bloomsburg Police Department is notifying all residents of a potential flooding hazard. Heavy rain is expected over the next 18 hours along with warm temperatures that will bring a large amount of water into Fishing Creek and the Susquehanna River. As of 11:00 AM this date the river is expected to crest at 7:00 PM Saturday, December 26, 2020 at 26.4 feet (7 feet above flood stage).
The primary concern is Fishing Creek which responds to excessive rain much quicker. There is a concern that Fishing Creek will flash flood sometime tonight or in the very early hours Friday morning. All indications from the National Weather Service shows high likelihood Fishing will rise rapidly with little notice.
Later this afternoon, the Bloomsburg Police Department along with the Bloomsburg Fire Department will be out doing door to door notifications to the residents living in the areas typically affected when Fishing Creek floods. Typically, this encompasses the area known as the West End, the area west of Railroad Street and south of Fishing Creek. We are asking all residents in the West End to prepare now for a possible evacuation. If flooding becomes eminent the Flood Warning Siren will sound. If you hear the Flood Warning Siren evacuate immediately.
We encourage everyone in the West End to consider leaving sooner rather than later. It is much safer to leave before a flood event actually occurs, rather than in the dark of night. A flood event is dangerous at any time, but the cold-water temperatures during winter can make this potential event even more dangerous. Make arraignments now for the location you will evacuate to.
If you know someone who lives in the West End please make sure this information is passed onto them. You will find additional information as it becomes available on our Facebook page and at www.bloompd.com or www.bloomsburgpa.org. Additionally, Bloomsburg residents are able to sign up for Code Red, the Town’s emergency notification system. To do so go to www.bloompd.com and click on the Code Red icon, a red triangle on the upper right side of the web page.