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Crowds hitting Dickson City stores for Super Saturday

DICKSON CITY, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Big crowds are hitting local stores to start the weekend for one of the busiest shopping days of the holiday season.

Shoppers showed up on Saturday at places like the Viewmont Mall for what is known nationally as Super Saturday.

It's the nickname in the retail business given to the Saturday that falls just before Christmas.

Some shoppers got an early start Saturday morning to try and beat the crowd and check off items from their Christmas shopping list.

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"Yeah, I mean it's only getting bigger by the day man but we're making it work but it's all for the holiday spirit, the love of people, the love of family. That's all, that's all that matters to me," said Scranton shopper Nathan Fuller.

"Just shopping for the family. Last-minute shopping. Not something you should do, but I'm out here so," said Cole Matera, a shopper from Clarks Summit.

The National Retail Federation expected more than 157,000,000 people nationwide would grab last-minute items online or in stores for Super Saturday.