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Candidates for Columbia County Commissioner Come to Campus

The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce hosted an open forum with the candidates for Columbia County Commissioner at the Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg campus. 

In Hartline Science Center’s Kuster Auditorium, the Democratic Ed Sanders III and David Kovach, and Republican candidates Dean Brewer and Randy Karschner sat down to discuss issues and their stances on energy production, education and growing Columbia County. 

The Democrats

Ed Sanders III stressed the importance of education, mental health, and fiscal responsibility. Sanders is a Bloomsburg University Alumni, majoring in Business Management and Finance. He emphasized his experience in budget management through his job as an Operations Manager in the Landscaping Industry.  

David Kovach is the only incumbent running to retain his seat. Kovach talked about his work as Commissioner, highlighting Colombia County’s low taxes. Kovach acknowledged a failure during his time as commissioner, specifically a program designed to increase broadband access through an economic development group called Drive. Kovach talked about the need for education to improve the workforce and attract workers to Columbia County. 

The Republicans

Dean Brewer placed a spotlight on his background. A Bloomsburg University alumni, majoring in Math and Physics before moving to teaching at Southern Columbia. Brewer focused on financial responsibility and long-term planning to ensure the future of Columbia County, specifically mentioning tax reassessment. 

Randy Karschner focused on fiscal responsibility and cooperation. A former police officer and small business owner. Karschner plans on working with experts in the field to address issues facing the county, pushing for partnerships with organizations. Karschner also focused on the long-term plans for Columbia County. 

Some of the central themes from all of the candidates were expanding education, keeping recent Bloomsburg graduates in the area to expand the workforce, and attracting and keeping businesses in Columbia County. 

Lastly, Do not forget election day is November 7.

Check your county’s website to preview a sample ballot.

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Polling locations are open November 7 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

If it is your first time voting at your polling location, don’t forget to bring an approved form of ID with you.

Make sure that if you’re voting by mail, that your mail-in ballot is received by your county board of elections by 8 p.m. on November 7.

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