Transition to value-based care happening in local, national health systems
The transition to value-based care is in motion, though the concept is nothing new in discussions regarding health systems.
The transition to value-based care is in motion, though the concept is nothing new in discussions regarding health systems.
MIDDLEBURG — The Snyder County commissioners want to support educational programs with another round of opioid settlement funds.
The first U.S. bird flu death has been reported. Louisiana health officials announced the death Monday of a person who had been hospitalized with severe respiratory symptoms. Health officials have said the person was older than 65, had underlying medical problems and had been in contact with sick and dead birds in a backyard flock. They also said a genetic analysis had suggested the bird flu virus had mutated inside the patient, which could have led to the more severe illness.
MOUNT CARMEL — Mount Carmel Senior Living Community officials were seeking new homes for 12 residents displaced by Saturday morning's three-alarm fire at the facility.
Only about a quarter of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and most fail at upholding them for even a month, according to experts.
HARRISBURG — Flu cases are surging across the commonwealth but for the youngest Pennsylvanians, another potentially dangerous respiratory virus is spreading quickly.
HARRISBURG — An estimated 200 snow geese discovered in parts of the Lehigh Valley are suspected by the Pennsylvania Game Commission to have died from bird flu.
DANVILLE — A Danville woman is taking on a leadership role for the National Volunteer Fire Council.
Young children spending more than 75 minutes on a tablet were more likely to show increased outbursts of anger and frustration, a new study has found.
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