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Protection From Abuse law now includes protection for pets

EYEWITNESS NEWS (WBRE/WYOU) — A new addition to state law will protect victims of domestic violence and their pets.

House Bill 1210 allows animals to be included in protection from abuse orders. One advocate I spoke with says this is a crucial step forward.

Pets are now protected from abuse in Pennsylvania.

"Says the center has resources for people with pets in abusive relationships," says Anna Faramelli the Director of Advocacy and Services with WRC.

Trial continues into Day 3 for Scranton homicide suspect

SCRANTON, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — It's day three of the trial of an accused killer in Scranton.

31-year-old Travis Lanzo is charged in connection with the shooting death earlier this year in the city's hill section.

Trial day two for Scranton homicide suspect

Scranton police say Lanzo shot and killed 27-year-old David Deshler near Mulberry Street and Schultz Court last March.

Lanzo is among four charged.

The three others, David Gaskins, Jonathan Smith, and Noah Ortiz, were arrested for their alleged involvement in the shooting.


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