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Woman allegedly abandoned child in car while fleeing police

WILKES-BARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — A woman is facing charges after police say she abandoned her child in a car when she fled from officers to avoid an arrest.

According to the Wilkes-Barre Township Police Department, on December 11 around midnight, officers were called to Blackman Street for a suspicious vehicle sitting outside a construction site with no lights on.

Pedestrian killed after being run over by vehicle

LENOX TWP., SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — State police report a pedestrian loading a car on the side of a road was killed after being run over by a vehicle.

According to Pennsylvania State Police, on December 8 around 10:00 a.m., a collision happened when a vehicle was driving south on Creek Road in Lenox Township and two pedestrians were loading a utility trailer with logs.

Crash kills 19-year-old driver, passenger suffers major injuries

Drone sightings in Pennsylvania? Residents asked to call authorities

EYEWITNESS NEWS (WBRE/WYOU)— State officials are aware of drone sightings across Pennsylvania and are asking residents to call authorities if they see one.

Wilkes-Barre Township Police Department stated the FBI and Department of Homeland Security are asking for the public to report any information on recent drone sightings.

Stroud Area Regional Police Department reports that they received multiple calls Thursday evening about drones flying over areas of East Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg Borough, and Stroud Township.

Tree seedlings available for order in Lewisburg

LEWISBURG — The Union County Conservation District has 2025 tree seedlings available for order.Nine seedlings are available for order, including silky dogwood, black chokeberry, American sweetgum, forsythia, purple coneflower, red magic daylily, fraser fir, Colorado blue spruce and black locust. The seedlings range from $7 to $15. Soil test kits and tree tube stakes are also available for purchase.Orders can be placed in person, over the phone, or by mail to the district office in the Union County Government Building, 155 N. 15th St., Lewisburg.


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