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Danville student aces SATs with perfect score

DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Taking the scholastic aptitude test or SAT is something high school students do before applying to a college or university.

Nearly two million students nationwide took the very tough test this year but a local teenager sure made it look easy.

Meet Hansen Zhang, a senior at Danville Area High School. He is no stranger to giving it his all when it comes to studying.

Hansen says, "I guess you can say that, yeah."

Especially studying for the SAT, and boy did he ever study.

Women accused of prostitution at Scranton spa

SCRANTON, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Two women have been arrested after police say they were running a prostitution operation out of a spa in Scranton’s north side.

It all started on December 12 when county detectives say they received a tip about a website that is frequently used to promote prostitution services.

Detectives set up an undercover sting at Harmony Spa, located at 2521 North Main Avenue where the agent called the number listed on the website and arranged an appointment for services.

Man withdrawing from heroin accused of lakeside mayhem


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