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Woman dies, driver severely injured after crash

TUSCARORA TWP., BRADFORD COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Pennsylvania State Police report a woman died after a crash that left a driver severely injured.

According to PSP, on Sunday, December 22, around 4:40 p.m., a crash occurred on US Highway 6 in Tuscarora Township. The driver lost control and hit an embankment off the road.

Inmate found dead in cell prompts death investigation

Police said the passenger, 46-year-old Johanna Rosencrance from Meshoppen, was pronounced dead on the scene.

Inmate found dead in cell prompts death investigation

MUNCY, LYCOMING COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — A death investigation is underway at SCI Muncy after an inmate was found dead in her cell.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, 41-year-old Lisa Stavish, an inmate at the State Correctional Institution at Muncy was found unresponsive in her cell on December 22.

Death Investigation after burn victim found in Luzerne County

Prison staff responded and gave life-saving measures but Stavish was pronounced dead at 6:00 a.m.

Fatal fire ravages home in Schuylkill County

SELTZER, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU)— A house fire has turned deadly Sunday evening in Schuylkill County.

According to Schuylkill County Communications Center, a call came in just before 5:30 p.m. for a house fire on the 300 block of Minersville Street.

Death Investigation after burn victim found in Luzerne County

The Schuylkill County Coroners Office was called to the scene around 7:00 p.m. and confirmed that one person did die in the fire.

They could not confirm the name or the identity of the person who died.


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